In the past few days it has been impossible to do a quick social media check without seeing some mention of Pokémon Go. So what is all of the fuss about and how can local Nottingham businesses benefit?
Pokémon first came on the scene on February 27th 1996 in the form of a Gameboy game (back when blowing on cartridges was a thing). 20 years later and we have the newest iteration in the form of Pokémon Go – an augmented reality app that allows players to go ‘Pokémon hunting’ in real life.
Having started life as a Google April fools joke 2 years ago, the game uses GPS data to track your location, in order to find the Pokémon you need to walk around your local area. The Pokémon then appear via your camera as if they are really there in front of you. Cool!
Squirtle helping with the recycling in the Shake office.
A wild Pidgey found outside the Galleries of Justice.
Stories surrounding the app has spread fast, with news of people being mugged and crowds appearing at various ‘pokestop’ locations. Nintendo added $7.5 Billion to their market value just two days after release.
Even Nottingham police have put out a notice surrounding the app due to issues with people walking the streets glued to their phone screens!
So how can your small business benefit from this trend?
First of all, you need to know that those playing Pokémon Go aren’t just children – my Facebook feed is full of 20+ year olds going out on Pokémon hunts. All with income to burn.
You need to find out if your small business is a ‘pokestop’ or ‘gym’ via the app. Players gravitate towards these locations to gain extra in-game items, and are likely to purchase a coffee or snack whilst they explore your establishment!
Secondly, you can purchase an in-game item called a ‘Lure’ – this will attract Pokémon to your location and the players will follow.
If your business happens to be near a Pokémon gym, then you can engage with the players in a number of creative ways. Make use of your social media by posting in game screenshots of Squirtle hanging out in your coffee shop or engaging online with local players. Perhaps some Pokémon themed snacks or themed social media giveaways – make sure to include the Pokémon Go hashtag with online mentions.
The web developers have already announced a plan to offer sponsored locations, with advertisers set to be charged on a cost-per-visit basis. The future suddenly feels very Pokemon themed!
Do you have any thoughts on Pokémon Go? We would love to hear them!