In a blog post this week, Pinterest have announced that they will be phasing out their Like button over the coming weeks. You won’t lose the content you’ve liked in the past, but because so many people get confused between their Save button and the Like one, they’re discontinuing the Like in favour of the Save!
Dedicated Pinners won’t have been confused at all, of course, but despite the fact that they do two completely different things, “it hasn’t always been clear how they’re different.” According to Pinterest:
“The good thing about the Save button is that the ideas you save are easy to get back to later. You can organise Pins to different boards, and you can search for them too.”
Pins that you liked in the past will move to a new board called ‘Your Pinterest Likes’. This new board will be secret. However, you will be able to move those Pins to other boards whenever you want.
But, every social network has a Like button, right? Increasingly, we’re seeing Pinterest move away from labelling itself as a social network and instead seeing itself as a discovery platform. This decision reinforces that. With the Save button, every time you save something, Pinterest get a clearer sense of what you’re into and will tailor your suggested Pins accordingly. They want to focus on search, and on helping you discover new trends, products and ideas. What you like in amongst that is suddenly much less important!