It’s that time of year again! Out with the old and in with the new! Once the Christmas excesses are over with for another year we’ll start to look towards a brand new year with new opportunities, and invariably we start to make our resolutions.
This year it’s time to make some social media resolutions. 2016 is going to be a big year for content marketing and we will start to see the effects of the rise in video, mobile access and content adaptation. So, have a look at our tips for social resolutions below and get set for a great year!
- Focus on the content. This year everyone has got the bug for social media so it’s more important than ever for your content to stand out. Resolve to get a strategy and develop some really interesting pieces of content for your audience
- Do not post for the sake of it. This relates to the first resolution – think quality over quantity!
- Engagement not likes. It’s easy to focus on the number of followers or fans as a measure of success but the real measure of success is the engagement rate, because that’s how you know whether any of that number are actually listening to what you’re saying. Remember engagement rate = (comments+likes+share)/views
- Keep it up! A lot of people struggle to keep up with their social media and can let it drop off. Make sure you’ve got a strategy in place this year to keep it all going!
- Measure! This is the year of measurement. However, you decide you want to do it make sure you do. How will you know if your social media is working if you aren’t measuring the results! Also by doing this you can give yourself targets to work towards and build upon year on year.
Happy New Year!
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