We’re all familiar with the green smoothie regime of the physical detox, but how many of us would benefit from a digital detox too? Before leaving the house, most of us check our pockets or purse for:
1) house keys
2) wallet
3) smartphone
In the worst case scenario, we forget our charger. But usually we’re able to borrow it from a friend or co-worker, or even from a complete stranger who carries an extra one with him/her, just in case.
We have introduced, accepted and fully embraced technology in our everyday life and the very much loved smartphones are now an active and permanent presence that helps us in multiple ways, from keeping us updated with what’s going on in the world, to telling us when we’ve eaten a few carbs too many and reminding us about important meetings … we can’t live without them!
But, is this actually a good thing?
There’s a fine line between usefulness and dependency, and much as we love digital technology here at Shake, sometimes, it’s good to take a break. Recent studies have pointed out the negative effects that a digital life has on our health and wellbeing. Among these, we find the inability to focus, to sleep well, and – even – be sociable!
So, should we abandon technology and live in a remote, wifi-less island?
This extreme solution may not be necessary. Here are a few suggestions instead to reach a healthier balance between the real world and your digital life:
Detox, but slowly – like when starting a diet, you need to take it easy. Don’t throw your phone out of the window or cancel your internet subscription, instead, try the following…
Night detox – what will you miss if you don’t check Whatsapp one last time before you switch the light off and fall asleep? Most likely, nothing. Harvard researchers showed that looking at screens before going to sleep affects both the quality of our sleep and our mood. Try leaving your phone plugged in to charge away from the bedroom and using an old school alarm clock to wake you up in the morning instead.
Rediscover a hobby – at some point, we all had a hobby that kept us busy. It’s time to rediscover it or find a new one and give it our full attention twice or more a week. There’s a lot more than the Facebook News Feed out there!
Re-Learn to write – how many of you can still write italics? No, not on your phone! Lists, reminders, notes, cards, messages – use pen and paper. Writing, real writing, actually feels pretty good and requires more brain activity and concentration.
Buy a new watch – vintage or new, as long as all it does is tell you what time it is! You won’t be able to use time as an excuse to check your phone.
Make social rules – for many of us, this is the hardest one. Twice per day not enough? Start with what you feel comfortable with and then slowly decrease the number of times you check in to your Facebook or Twitter account. This way you’re more likely to focus properly on your newsfeed when you do check in, and more likely to focus on your friends and family when you’re with them. Meet up with your friends for a walk or dinner and have fun!
Watch the world with no filter – take time to observe the world around you without filtering the reality with the lens of a camera. It’s beautiful, and your memory will keep the best pictures. And don’t forget to inhale the smells and listen to the sounds. Instagram gives everything a rosy tint, but actually, the world around us is often just magical the way it is.
Hopefully, both body and mind will benefit from taking a break from your digital life and in the long run, the results may be pleasantly surprising. Let us know how you get on!