Hey there! My name is Katie, and I’m currently interning at Shake Social. I’m a final year student at Nottingham Trent University, studying History, Communication and Society. Yes, I know, it’s a long title – it essentially means ‘history and social theory’. So, take a wild guess what my passion is? People! I would definitely consider myself a people person; I thrive on meeting and networking with new people, so much so that five of my previous employers have been through knowing the right people. One of them even originally came from the line “Oh, I love your top!” This then led to a coffee and the rest is history, as they say.
Although I greatly enjoy social history I am under no illusion that this isn’t where my career in heading. Growing up, I was one of those teenagers that had to have their parents change their Facebook password over the exam period; social media has gripped me, and still I love finding new ways to communicate with the world around me. It was therefore no surprise when I told my parents that digital marketing was my chosen career.
Besides having all my fingers and toes in the digital pool, I enjoy seeing friends, playing one of my beautiful guitars (yes, I am one of those people who thinks their guitar has feelings), or having a round of pool with a pint in hand. As you can see, my life is people-focused in every aspect.
Ideally, the dream is to become a consultant in the digital marketing industry. I would love to aid smaller businesses in how best to market them online. I’ve done a bit of that line of work previously, and it was super rewarding. The world of social media is expanding every day, and I for one am expectant for how the world is changing. Until then, I’m ready to jump into whatever Social Shake will teach me over the coming months. Bring it on!
Katie, Shake Social Intern.