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Hello! I’m Jenny, a fashion marketing student.

Today’s an exciting day because I start my internship at Shake Social before beginning my fashion marketing journey, which starts this September at The University of Leeds.  I wanted to work with Shake Social because I felt I needed to better my skills in social media, content creation and digital marketing. The company’s core beliefs – based on tactical, forward thinking and a strong attention to detail – are what attracted me, as these principles are key in any area of business and marketing. I believe my internship with Shake Social will provide me with a professional platform of knowledge and experience with which to begin an exciting career in fashion marketing.

I have always had a strong creative background, which is why I chose to study Fine Art at college. The diploma allowed me to develop in all aspects of art and design and pursue new creative pathways. It was a stimulating course because I had the opportunity to delve into many creative disciplines and find my hidden talents. Photography emerged as one of my key strengths, alongside observational drawing.

shoe designsAfter completing my diploma in Fine Art at New College Nottingham, I was headhunted by a local shoe maker and designer to work for his bespoke brand. I developed my design and professional skills during my time there, gaining experience in all aspects of the shoe industry from making and designing to marketing the end product. I must admit I  do miss the frequent trips to London and taking snaps of his shoes in front of Buckingham Palace, all in aid of promoting the brand.

I believe social media is the best way of networking online and gaining real life connections with people. I enjoy engaging with social media because your’re part of an online community, where you can remain connected at all times. Social networking allows the ability for collaboration with potential businesses and the building of relationships and loyalty.

My favourite part of social media is its flexibility and the fact that there’s no right or wrong answer. There isn’t a handbook you have to abide by, so you can freely create your own reality and carve your own success. It’s definitely the best method for keeping everybody connected in today’s increasingly busy world.

by Jenny Shipley

Jenny is currently completing a summer internship at Shake Social, with a focus on digital marketing, visual campaigns and blogging.

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