In the wake of a massive phishing scam on Google Docs that reached around a million of its users, we at Shake Social want to give you some tips on how to keep your business and personal details safe online and protect yourself from hackers.
Google says it stopped the scam after about one hour, which prompted users to click a link and follow instructions for a shareable document. Any who did so during that time period risked giving the hackers access to their email accounts and other information.
We have said before that we want everyone to stay safe online, but thought we would reiterate the point by going over some basics for those feeling a little lost in this complex world of constantly changing jargon and new technology.
What is a hacker?
You would call someone a hacker if he or she is an expert in coding and computer languages, which really means that they are able to use a computer in ways most of us don’t understand. When we speak of hacking, we associate it with someone finding holes in code that can be exploited and breaking into systems or networks in order to steal information.
What are their motivations?
There are different types of hackers, such as those previously mentioned who hack sites with valuable information and steal data in order to sell it on the dark web. Some believe their actions are for good and call themselves ‘hacktivists’, citing political motivations. They shut down government websites in the wake of national events or try to cause panic amongst high-ranking officials.
And then we have ‘white-hat’ hackers, who break into websites in order to look for security holes so they can let the company know. Large companies often employ such hackers in order to test their own websites.
How does hacking work?
Normally, hackers will develop malware which they attach to software, pictures or other programmes. When downloading this, you inadvertently install the malware and open the doors to your personal information. This can also happen if you download an app on your smartphone or open an infected website.
What are the consequences of hacking?
Hacking can have many negative results, particularly if it is your business that is the victim of a hack. You yourself could be a victim, but a hack could also affect your clients, whose information you have a duty to protect. Even though a hack would cost you time and money to rectify, your clients won’t be happy if you notify them about a data breach and may subsequently consider using one of your competitors in the future.
To prevent hacks you can follow these simple tips: don’t open email attachments if you don’t know the source; don’t download software from unknown websites; ensure that your software is up to date, because hackers attack wherever they see a weakness; install a firewall and make sure it is working properly; keep your antivirus software up to date at all times; consider implementing a password policy to make sure your employees have strong passwords.
If you would like advice or training on any technological issues we are here to help. Please get in touch! We are always happy to help and offer a range of services to ensure you make the most of your digital presence.