Shake delivers, manages and monitors social media campaigns that raise your online profile, improve your brand presence and provide a valuable return on your investment. Value for money can therefore be measured in a number of ways:


·      Increased participation in online communities generates awareness and awareness generates sales.

·      Your reputation is also enhanced, as a company that responds and reacts immediately to the people and situations around them.

·      Listening to online communities allows you to have the upper hand – you know exactly what delights and upsets your customers, you know what they want or need, and most importantly, you understand them. This allows you to tailor your business accordingly – a streamlined company is a profitable company.

·      You can target your potential customers in a way that is far better than traditional advertising methods because it is personal and meaningful.

·      By far the biggest benefit of using platforms such as Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn is the ability for you to build a community around your cause. Community is about engaging. It’s about listening, and responding appropriately. It is NOT just shouting about me, me, me. It’s about listening and caring for others. Do this, and you will help your brand and reputation in such a way that you will always have people willing to help you accomplish your goals. It’s powerful stuff.