Flour? Check. Lemons? Check. Social media activity? Urmmmm… Are you tossing away a great opportunity with social media this Pancake Day?
It may be the one day of the year where we all get a bit flipping mad, but Pancake Day also presents some marketing opportunities for brands and businesses to get involved in the national conversation. You don’t need to be a frying pan retailer or a cafe to have some fun with pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (although it can be a good opportunity to show your support for a local independent business that is serving up delicious pancakes, of course!).
Using social media to join in with more light-hearted trending topics like this is a good way for brands to put forward a bit of personality. Whether you position yourself as experts; sharing knowledge with recipes and the like, or go for something more entertaining with puns, wit and fun videos, these kind of events present a great opportunity to show off the persona or the team behind the brand.
Here are a few fun ways to celebrate #PancakeDay on social media:
- Use the hashtag
#PancakeDay trends every year on Twitter. Try puns, pics and pancake frivolity to make your tweet stand out. Here’s Innocent Smoothies’ 2016 post to get you thinking:
- Share a poll
Not experimented with Twitter’s poll feature yet? Here’s your chance! From favourite toppings to which meal people eat pancakes for, it’s a great opportunity to engage with your followers:
- Video it
Got an office kitchen? And a willing staff member? Short videos of #pancakefails and your flipping successes can be a great way of giving a glimpse of your team, whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook or on Twitter.
- Get creative
We all know lemons and sugar rock, but here’s a chance to be imaginative and get creative (or ridiculous) with your pancake toppings. Be different, stand out, and if you dare to eat your outrageous creations on video, all the better!
- Pin the recipe
On Pinterest? Get pinning! From your own pics to other delicious recipes from around the web, pin your favourites and share the best recipe elsewhere on social.
Happy tossing!